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Floor to Small Tightwire Trainer

Complete your Tightwire Trainers astetic with a Floor to Small section and make those first steps even easier to take.
We've found it's a useful aid with our Visually Impaired Students to ramp up to the next step!

Challenge yourself by using a unicycle!
It’s fun, safe, and easy to use for anyone who loves circus skills.
Popular with our very small people classes and with Silver Circus classes!

The Tightwire Trainer (L) Tiny Tightwire Trainer (M) and the Teeny Tiny Tightwire Trainer (S) are balance trainers that emulate using a Tightwire. They come in three sizes and can be joined with Rises and Fall sections to form straight or add curved pieces to make interesting challenge paths.

Your purchase includes: a general advisory for print settings, liability waiver and of course the .STL files for you to now print your own (Male and Female parts!)

They are cheaper, lighter, and easier to set up than a normal Tightwire, and kids love them


The Tightwire Trainers are your first steps into equilibristics trainingEmulating but not replacing a tightwire.

Each section is 20cm long15 pieces is similar to a traditional Tightwire lengthbut why keep things old school?!!

Our Tightwire Trainers can be assembled and disassembled by the participants in your classes in a short amount of timesaving lots of time for extra learning.

The smallest pieces are suitable for people of any ageand if youre scared of heightsno problemyour feet barely leave the floor.

All sections address the same developmental capacitiesthe medium and tall sections add an extra level of achievement and goal for eager participants.

The curved sections provide a greater surface area for the footmeaning early balance achievements are even easier to meet.

12 Curved sections of each size make a complete circlei.e12 tall pieces makes a lovely tall circular tight wire.

Each 3D print file is sold separatelyand follows an interlocking circuit of male to female connectionsSo a turn leftwill only turn left etc.

Each item has a hole to insert non-slip feet, which we recomend printing out of TPUThese items are for intended use on a flat solid surface.


The price is for both male and female sections only.

Please note that the TPU slip pads files are not included with your download.

Stiklings C.I.C. takes no responsibility for any harm caused in use with or related to this product.  Use at your own risk.

Teenie Tiny Tightwire Trainer (Small & Straight)

Teenie Tiny Tightwire Trainer (Small & Straight)

Tightwire walking without a tumble
Teenie Tiny Tightwire Trainer (Small Curved L&R)

Teenie Tiny Tightwire Trainer (Small Curved L&R)

Curved Sections!
Tiny Tightwire Trainer (Medium & Straight)

Tiny Tightwire Trainer (Medium & Straight)

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