Don't let a broken pin stop your juggling flow, now you can print your own replacement parts!
Purchasing this downloadable file contains: General advisory for print settings, Liability Waiver and Release and the .STL files, where we have included different sizes and tollerances, try them all out and see which works best for your printer settings!
Check out our assembly video for longevity tips.
Don’t let a broken pin stop your juggling flow, now you can print your own replacement parts!
Purchasing this downloadable file contains: General advisory for print settings, Liability Waiver and Release and the .STL files, where we have included different sizes and tollerances, try them all out and see which works best for your printer settings!
Check out our assembly video for longevity tips.
A 5-lane board consists of 8 Pins, 10 Bases, and 20 Arms.